Our new website is coming soon
We might look different when you next visit, as we're improving the accessibility and functionality of our website in the coming weeks.
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The Veolia Environmental Trust is a Registered Charity (1064144) established in 1997 under the Landfill Communities Fund.
We support a wide range of community and environmental projects throughout England. The money we use for grants is made available through the Fund.
Veolia has supported this initiative by contributing over £108,000,000 million since we were established, which to date has been used to award over 2,843 grants to projects.
Applications are reviewed by the Trustees who make up our Board of Directors. They meet quarterly to consider applications and decide which projects should be supported.
Please note, that the Veolia Environmental Trust is an independent charity to Veolia UK Ltd and will not be able to assist with any queries regarding their services.